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Maryland Retaliation Law. What is Employment Retaliation?

Employees that speak out against company policies, actions or practices often face “retaliation” in the workplace.  In the typical case, the employee complains to his or her supervisor or another person about something going on in the workplace and the supervisor “retaliates” by demoting, suspending, harassing or even terminating the employee.  Thankfully, federal law and Maryland law (as well as the laws of many other states) prohibits employers from retaliating against employees.)

Unlawful Employment Retaliation. What is Unlawful Retaliation in Maryland?

Maryland law prohibits retaliation against employees in a variety of circumstances.  The key to any retaliation case is to identify what statute or law prohibits the alleged retaliation.  In Maryland, employers are prohibited from retaliating against employees for such things as: making a complaint about race discrimination, filing a complaint regarding workplace safety, making complaints or claims about fraudulent activity, assisting in government investigations and identifying fraud against the government.  This list constitutes only a few of the hundreds of Maryland and federal retaliation protection laws that cover Maryland employees.

If you believe you have been subject to retaliation from your employer, it is important to contact an attorney as soon as possible.  Maryland retaliation laws have different (and often times short) statute of limitations and an employee must act quickly to protect his or her rights.

Proof of Retaliation Claims. How Do I Prove Employment Retaliation?

Proving a Maryland retaliation law case depends upon many different factors.   One of the most important elements of proving a Maryland retaliation law case is the case “timeline.”  Did the employee make a protected complaint or file a protected claim prior to the alleged retaliation?  How soon after the employee made his or her complaint did the employer begin retaliating against the employee?   These are just some of the “timeline” questions that a Maryland court will look at when deciding whether there has been a Maryland retaliation action.

Second, it is important to analyze how the employer treated other employees as compared to the employee complaining about retaliation.   If the employer treated non-complaining employees better than they treated the person complaining about retaliation, then this is one element of proof that there has been a potential Maryland retaliation action.

Why Choose a Maryland Employment Attorney to Handle Your Retaliation Case?

It is recommended that employees facing possible retaliation consult immediately with a Maryland employment law attorney.

In retaliation cases, it is critical to properly identify a) the protected complaint b) how to make the protected complaint c) how to file the correct documents d) identify who the complaint must be made to and e) develop a strategy for protecting the employee.

DK Associates has experience representing hundreds of clients in retaliation claims.  Please contact us mmediately if you believe you have been subject to retaliation. info@dkemployment.com / (202) 430-5966

Schedule Your Retaliation Consultation with Chevy Chase-Bethesda Employment Law Firm DK Associates.

If you have been the victim of workplace retaliation, please contact us immediately to schedule a free consultation.

info@dkemployment.com           (202) 430-5966

​If you believe you have been subject to retaliation from your employer, it is important to contact an attorney as soon as possible.  Maryland retaliation laws have different (and often times short) statute of limitations and an employee must act quickly to protect his or her rights.

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